You are made for more!

Student Life also meets weekly on Wednesday nights to go deeper into what the Bible says through small group Bible studies.
Want to get connected and learn more about the next Student Life event you can attend? Click the button below to get in touch...

Wednesday Nights With Student Life

Consider joining us for Weekly Bible Study and Community

Middle School Students
Meets at Silver Creek Church


Students 6-8th Grade

High School Students
Meets in Host Homes


Students 9-12th Grade


The best week of the summer for Middle and High Schoolers is at Wildside! Wildside is a weeklong overnight camp, where students enjoy tubing on the lake, daily group competitions, and intentional conversations about what following Jesus can mean for them!  

Upcoming Student Life Events

Student Life Calendars

Download our Spring 2025 Calendar!

Serve with Student Life

Our mission is to lead students to discover life in Jesus!
This can only happen when people step up to lead the next generation towards the embodied hope of the Gospel.
We have a passion for each student to have a leader in their life who is walking with them towards the full life that they were made for in Jesus.
If you are interested in joining the Student Life team or finding out more information about what is available for students,
then please click this link and check out our opportunities for you to be involved!

Meet the Student Life team

Dom Massa

Associate Pastor of Next Generation Ministries

Logan Ritts

High School Ministry Director