Welcome to Silver Creek Church's Parent Page

You are called to lead the next generation, and we are here to come alongside of you in that incredible journey! Scroll to see some ways that you can help your kids take their next steps with Jesus, get resources for your own encouragement, or have a way to connect with a Pastor for support! 

Taking Next Steps In Faith With Your Kids

Child Dedication

Every May and October Silver Creek Church hosts baby dedications within our Sunday morning worship services. These dedications provide our church a moment to celebrate the commitments of Parents to their children. A commitment to raise them in the truth of the Bible and to lead them to follow Jesus with their whole life. Parents, keep your eye on our events webpage to sign up for our next Baby Dedication.

Gospel Conversations with
Your Kids

Jesus is the best news for our world and families! Sometimes we need help finding the right questions to process the Gospel with our kids. Click this link to get some ideas about how you can process the Gospel with your family!


In July and December of 2025, Silver Creek Church will be celebrating Baptisms within our Sunday Morning Worship Services! Baptism outwardly celebrates a new inward reality for someone. We invite anyone 6th grade and older, who has placed their faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins, to publicly declare their trust in Him through this act of obedience! Keep your eye on our events webpage to sign up for our next Baptism class.
We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

Get Involved with
Weekly Discipleship

Discipleship is a vital part of discovering life with Jesus! This kind of formation happens in our lives through consistency and intentionality! Our Kids and Student Ministry teams have intentionally created fun, safe, and engaging weekly programs for this kind of growth to happen in the lives of your kids and students! Check out the Kids and Students webpages to find out more about these weekly opportunities.

Featured Resources

Listen to the Challenger's Podcast Monthly

This Silver Creek Church resource focuses on relevant conversations about leading the next generation through the everyday challenges of life and faith. Listen through Spotify or Apple Podcasts!

Read the New City Catechism Weekly

This 52 week question-answer-devotional is incredibly practical and useful for building faith at home. Pick up an adult copy with this link and a corresponding kids copy with this link.

Meet with Pastor Dom

We are here to help you and your family discover life in Jesus! Click the button below to email Pastor Dom about a meeting. We are always excited to partner with your family in the particulars!