PRAY FOR "The Real War and the Ultimate Outcome"
Heavenly Father, watching nations rally for and against Israel is heartbreaking and fear-
fueling. But it’s no shock or even a surprise. The history of redemption is playing out
right before our eyes (Psalm 2:1-2). The hatred we’re witnessing is really directed
towards you and Jesus, not towards one nation in the Middle East. War is a repudiation
and reviling of you and what you have promised to do through Jesus—through the
Gospel…. But, because of Jesus’ finished work, “a vast crowd, too great to count,
from every nation and tribe and people and language” will stand in front of the throne
and before Jesus (Rev. 7; 21:1-5). We so long for that day. Father, we pray for a quick
end to the war in and against Israel. It’s exactly the same prayer we pray for Ukraine. In
the middle of all the evil and terrorism, bring many Jews, Russians, Iranians,
Ukrainians, Turks, Americans, etc. to a sure and saving knowledge of Jesus.
So Very Amen.